In the world of entrepreneurship, one valuable strategy stands out—a relentless commitment to “showing up.” This slow grind approach is not about instant results but a steady accumulation of effort, akin to a marathon rather than a sprint.

As an entrepreneur, the transition away from the security of a bi-monthly paycheck can be nerve-wracking. The volatility of net worth in this new landscape is undeniable. Surprisingly, even during the highs and lows of financial life, the worry about money remains a constant companion. It becomes clear that financial anxiety is often independent of the actual balance in one’s bank account once basic needs are met.

Despite the hardships, there’s an essential truth to grasp here. If you consistently show up, deliver value, exhibit decency, and apply your intellect, opportunities have a way of gravitating towards you. It’s not an immediate solution but a path that demands resilience and unwavering commitment.

The journey may be tough and stressful, but it’s in the persistence and continuous presence that the seeds of success are sown.

Read more at: Life after “Golden Handcuffs” | RadReads

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